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You Don't Have To Suffer With Panic Attacks

Jun 18

You Don't Have To Suffer With Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can strike anyone at any time. Some people have them frequently and others may have one or two in their lifetime. These attacks usually occurs when a person is faced with a situation that he or she may feel endangered or unable to cope. There are many effective strategies that you can learn to deal with the symptoms of panic, and this article will tell you how.

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Don't fight a panic attack or you'll end up increasing the adrenaline in your body and making the situation much worse. Remember that this too shall pass and that you just have to wait it out. I like to remember that in an hour I'll be looking back on it instead of being in the middle of it.


Panic attacks and stress are like bread and butter - you tend not to have one without the other. Finding out about all the stress relieving techniques that are available and then testing them out for yourself is a great way to ensure you keep panic attacks on hold as long as possible.


As you experience a panic attack, you should focus on your feelings and write them down in a journal. You must focus on your REAL feelings, not fears of what might happen to you down the road. Keep to what you feel right now, and how you think those feelings relate to your pre-attack state.


If you're feeling a panic attack come on, do something! Wash the dishes, take a bath, go for a long walk, but make sure you do something that either burns up your excess energy or helps to calm you down. Take the long walk and then follow it up with the long bath!


Think about your nerves as you go through your panic attack. Visualize a nerve in each part of your body and the tiny little impulses it sends out. Imagine them becoming calm, slow, and more relaxed. Work through each part of your body one by one until you feel better.


Invite them over if at all possible for a face to face conversation. It can be a very quick and effective aid to reduce your anxiety.


Breathe properly when having a panic attack. Breathing in the correct way will help you to control a panic attack. First, inhale through your nose for about two seconds. Next, exhale through your mouth for approximately four seconds. Repeat these actions for at least one minute, all the time thinking positive and calming thoughts.


When experiencing a panic attack you should use deep breathing techniques, but not for too long at one time. Do ten deep breaths and then wait ten minutes before you start again. Spacing them out will help to keep your body relaxed and the panic attack away for the rest of the day.


Experiencing panic is real and learning how to cope with it is key to living a fulfilling life. Regardless of the cause, people can live happily while having this disorder. When a panic attack occurs, try to understand that it is a temporary feeling and it will disappear within a few minutes.